
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Saturday - Day 6 - Bring a Friend!

So I know I am a day behind, but after being broken for 2 days, I have had a lot of catching up to do with the rest of my life.  I will get caught up shortly, I swear.

Saturday was a little crazy for me.  Just finally feeling a little normal again, I had to work softball signups for the league.  Luckily I did not have to run the clinic so even though sign ups were crazy busy, I was able to remain laid back and relaxed. There were so many girls at the clinic it really made me even more excited about the upcoming season and I know K is for sure.
This pic was actually taken at the last clinic, but I am sure she looked exactly the same.

Once the clinic was over, I had a lunch date with my friend Michelle.  My task Saturday was to bring someone who had never been before and it worked out perfectly cause not only had Michelle never been before, it was a difficult day for her in general so I felt like I was able to be there for her.  
My Friend Michelle - Who Makes Every Day at Work A Great Day!

I did not get very creative today.  I am not sure why.  I think I am trying to enjoy the things I really know I like before adventuring into something I am unsure of.  Who knows.  I add a little bit of something different every day.  I have had to have noodles the past few days but I will be moving back to rice shortly so I am enjoying them while I can.  Today it was sliced beef, green beans, spinach, onions and I decided to try the chili garlic sauce.  It was pretty good.  They were out of bean sprouts, which was a bummer but totally ok at the same time, cause it made me decide to also add an egg to the mixture.  All in all a great bowl.
They are really starting to look the same!

Because we went late in the afternoon, around 3:30ish, they were not insanely busy and we were able to sit and just talk and eat.  It was nice.  We literally sat there for almost 2 hours just chatting away.  It is so nice to have some time like that with friends outside of work.  And by the time we left, Michelle said we either had to leave or she was going to have to eat another bowl, so all in all, I think it went very well.  Maybe Genghis Grill will have a new fan!
Michelle and I eating a late lunch.

When I finally made it home, I was ready to crash for the night.  And I was not that far off.  With everything that has been going on/wrong this past week, I was literally exhausted.  I was in bed by 9pm and out by 10:30pm, which is not only early for me, but explains why I did not write this blog last night.  :-)  Looking forward to Sunday's blog and the day off on Monday from work.  A day off from work is not at all the same when you spend it broken in bed. It is nice to not be broken...

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