
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Lets Talk About Stress Baby...

Ever wish you were a cat?  Some days I do.  I wonder if a cat ever feels stress...
Especially mine.  He sleeps all day.  He chases the dog.  (yes, I said that correctly.)  He always has food and water.  He climbs in your lap when he wants attention.  Did I mention he sleeps all day?  He is an indoor cat, so he literally lives a life of luxury, kitty cat style.

I on the other hand can't just lay down spread eagle in the middle of the floor whenever I feel like it.  Boy, believe me I wish I could.  And I get stressed out.  Sometimes a little too much for even me to handle.  I have a family of 5, Myself, Husband, 2 boys and a girl.  My house is chaotic.  My schedule is hectic.  I volunteer for my daughters softball league.  My husband coaches my sons basketball team.  We are always going in five different directions.  Most days my stress is the result of work.  I am literally an 8-5 ball of stress, Monday thru Friday.  (actually I don't work at 8, but that isn't my point at all.) Then when I get home, I add on additional stress from the pile of dishes needing to be washed, dinner needing to be cooked, laundry, getting the kids out the door to their activities, and then... if I am lucky, a little time for myself.   How do I de-stress???

I have actually found that while I am at work, a really good workout during my lunch hour really hits the spot. It's like I can get a complete do over and when I am done, literally start my day again..(Half way over of course.)  When I am home, a nice hot bath is my favorite.  A nice hot bath after a great workout is even better.  When it comes to the Genghis Grill Khantest I am currently competing in, I actually find I am not stressed out at all.  Sure I think about how nice it would be to win that money.  But really I am doing this for me.  For my health.  How can I get stressed out about that? There was a topic today on the GG Facebook group that I am a member of that really hit home for me.  Winning $10,000 is not worth my health.  I have to eat to live.  Choosing the right types of foods is how I will become and or remain healthy. If starving myself is the only way I have a shot of winning the money, then I just won't win.  I am already a winner, and I have been given 60 days of healthy dinners or lunches for free.  That is a prize in itself.  Of course there is the occasional social media task that I wonder if I am going to complete on time.  But everything seems to work out.  Oddly enough, I think this contest is actually a stress relief in itself for me.  It occupies a portion of my time with something outside of the stressors of my everyday life.  And in the end, I know I will emerge healthier and happier about my health than I was when I began.

And if I happen to lose the $10,000 by something crazy like say a pound...

I will just squeeze that little stress ball with all my might, and remind myself that the journey was worth it, and that I am still a winner.

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